Sign the Charter

Our Charter

The Charter for Employers Positive About Mental Health

Open to all employers, regardless of their location, sector, industry or size, the Charter for Employers Positive About Mental Health is not about comparing employers against one another. Instead, it is about recognising those employers who are committed to supporting the mental health of their staff - no matter how far along they may be in that journey - and it is about helping employers to adapt the best and most up-to-date clinical practise to achieve this goal.

Learn more          Sign the Charter

Harrison Spinks Logo

A healthy and happy workforce is a productive one. Signing the Charter not only shows our commitment to looking after our people, but it gives us guidance for improvements as well.

  London Metropolitan University Logo

It is vitally important to us that we not only provide support for our students, but for our staff as well. That is why we are proud to publicise that we have signed the Charter.

About the Charter

The Charter for Employers Positive About Mental Health is about recognising those employers who are committed to supporting mental health at work - no matter where they may be in that journey - and it is about helping those employers to achieve this goal. Signing the Charter is completely voluntary, and unlike other accreditations or quality standards, it does not require your organisation to have already met specific benchmark criteria. Instead, by signing the Charter, your organisation will be making a public declaration of your ambition to support the mental health and wellbeing of your staff by agreeing to uphold the following values:

  • To provide non-judgemental and proactive support to staff with experience of mental ill-health.
  • To not make assumptions about a person with a mental health condition and their ability to work.
  • To be positive and enabling toward all employees and applicants with a mental health condition.
  • To support line managers in managing mental health in the workplace.
  • To ensure they are fair in the recruitment of new staff in accordance with the Equality Act (2010).
  • To make it clear that people who have experience of mental ill-health will not be discriminated against.

View our current signatories  

Charter Benefits

Signing the charter not only helps you to demonstrate your organisation's values, but it also provides you with a number of benefits, including:

  • Personalised copies of the Charter to display in your premises.
  • Use of the MINDFUL EMPLOYER logo to display on your website and literature.
  • Recognition as a Charter signatory on our website.
  • Access to our members-only Line Managers Resource Guide and Keeping Well at Work publications.
  • A 10% discount on all training workshops delivered by MINDFUL EMPLOYER.
  • Eligibility to register for our MINDFUL EMPLOYER Plus Employee Assistance Programme.
  • Tailored feedback and support on your organisation’s policies and practises through our review process.

The Review Process

| The review process is about self-assessment

Charter signatories are required to complete a review every two years. Although we require employers to complete their review in order to remain a Charter signatory, the review process is not intended to be an inspection. Instead, the review is about self-assessment and has been designed to help you reflect on your current practises and policies. Not only does this help you to demonstrate the progress that you are making as an organisation, but through the review process, we will provide you with tailored feedback that highlights the things that you’re doing well and offers support and advice in areas where you may be struggling.

Learn more about the review process  

Signing the Charter

All employers are invited to sign the Charter as a shared commitment to protect, promote and enhance the mental wellbeing of staff. To enable us to continue offering and developing these services, however, we request that those applying to join the Charter pay a small administration fee before they are registered as a Charter signatory. The administration fee is not the same as a subscription fee, and as such, is only requested when applying to, or renewing the Charter.


No. of Employees

Admin Fee*


0 to 50



51 to 250



251 to 1,000



Over 1,000


*Payment Terms, Discounts, and Refunds:

  • All fees are exclusive of VAT, which is charged at the standard rate.
  • A 10% discount is applied to the final value fee for public and voluntary sector services.
  • Administration fees apply to all new and renewing signatories and are non-refundable.

With no deadline for applications, there is no expectation for your organisation to sign up right away. Employers can still benefit from many of our services regardless of whether they are a signatory or not, allowing you to sign the Charter at a time that is right for your organisation. Once you are ready to sign, you should first obtain consent from your senior leadership team.

Ready to Sign?

Sign the charter

Current Signatories