Frequently asked questions

MINDFUL EMPLOYER is a service of Devon Partnership NHS Trust, and as such, we are required to follow and comply with NHS processes and Government Service Standards. Drawing on the clinical expertise and resources available to us through our association with the NHS, we are proud to offer employers a specialist approach to workplace mental health advice and support. As a result, employers can be confident that they will receive high-quality and reliable support in this area.


Operating as a non-profit service under Devon Partnership NHS Trust, MINDFUL EMPLOYER does not receive any public funding. Instead, we generate income through the fees we charge for our services, which is then reinvested into MINDFUL EMPLOYER's continued management and growth. This ensures that every pound we earn is directed towards advancing our mission to achieve better mental health at work.

Why should my organisation invest in mental health?

Mental ill-health costs UK employers an estimated £42 billion to £45 billion pound each year in lost productivity, increased sickness absence, and higher staff turnover. That is an average cost of between £1,652 and £1,716 per employee. Although these figures are alarming, the good news is that, as employers, we are uniquely positioned to support the mental wellbeing of our staff, and for every £1.00 spent on mental health initiatives, employers can expect an average return of £5.00.

As a Charter signatory, will I have to employ people with mental health conditions?

As an employer, you will want to employ those who have the right knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics required to perform the job. Being involved with MINDFUL EMPLOYER does not change that. Instead, with one in four of us likely to experience a mental health condition at any one time, it can in fact help you find the right candidate by signalling that you are prepared to support staff, regardless of a mental health condition.